Roles and Responsibilities of Mean Stack Developer

With the advancement in technology, many innovations and tactics are going to increase in this arena. One of the known trends is Mean Stack Development which works on the fulfillment of creating fast, dynamic, and efficient web applications. MEAN Stack Developers are those individuals who work on both the frontend as well as in the backend part and will bring most of the possibilities.

Since MEAN is divided into 4 segments: MongoDB, Express JS, Angular JS, and Node JS. It indicates that learning MEAN Stack Course in Noida can help you to learn different things and you can be able to work with different technologies. Here, we are going to give a brief overview of the Roles and Responsibilities of MEAN Stack Developers.

Understand the Job Roles and Responsibilities of MEAN Stack Developer

As a MEAN Stack developer, you need to put a major focus on adapting both technical as well as soft skills.

  1. Hands-on experience with programming languages such as Node JS, MongoDB, Expresso, and Angular JS.
  2. While building an application, they need to address and improve all the technical aspects.
  3. Aware of taking code architecture decisions for better performance and scalability of the product.
  4. Ability to collaborate with engineers, architects, researchers, and data implementation specialists, and create advanced, elegant, and efficient systems.
  5. Experience in working with modern frameworks, and design patterns, and must have experience with the MEAN Stack Online Training.
  6. Creating unique features in the Application for better mobile responsive design.
  7. Connect with developers with Restful API Services
  8. Continuous integration and version control.
  9. Create and maintain databases that are both relational as well as non-relational.
  10. Testing Applications, and bugs, with security and data protection features.

Skills Required to Become a MEAN Stack Developer

Soft Skills:

  1. Excellent Communication Skills
  2. Leadership Quality
  3. Better Time Management
  4. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills
  5. Contribution to the Company’s FY growth
  6.  Ability to Connect With Clients and Stakeholders

Technical Skills:

  1. Must have experience in MongoDB, NodeJS, Express JS, and Angular JS.
  2. Familiar to work for Package Manager
  3. Aware of High-Quality Skills For Robust Design
  4. Basic knowledge of languages such as Java, Python, CSS, HTML, JQuery, OPS, AWS, PHP, cryptography, security, and others.
  5. Specific information about Database architectural design, programming templates, client-side, and server-side procedures.
Experience in server management, responsive design, and website performance.


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